Linggo, Oktubre 29, 2017

Simple machine

:Simple machines are static tools used as a medium of transfer of energy just as a glass as a container of water.

So what are the examples of simple machines?

Before we get into that the principle on a how simple machine works is based on engineering mechanics.

There are only two things to keep in mind. Force. Length. That's it.

What about time? or torque? energy? Nonsense.

Time is a rate, a measure of change, of movement, of one body in a point in dimension to the next.

Torque, on the other hand, is a mixture of force and length. They also call it moment, as in movement in respect to a neutral point.

Energy is what is transferred on the force. Force is the utility of energy. Distance is the measure of a physical gap between two points.

So let's head on to the examples.

Q. LEVER - a down force, fulcrum, object to move
W. WEDGE - a straight force cut
E. PULLEY - pull
R. WHEEL AND AXLE - pull and roll
T. SCREW - downward spiral rotation
Y. INCLINED PLANE - friction force

Biyernes, Oktubre 27, 2017

Never build false hope.

What is hope? Hope, unfortunately, is an expectation of the future, which doesn't exist, the future does not exist within the present. The present is the queen.

I have learned this the hard way, it's our quiz on our geology class and there was this friend of mine who is asking if I have any notes on the subject to be reviewed on but I said I have none. Later in the afternoon I sent a link to those people directing it to a website for practice multiple choice problems. I felt so confident that that piece would be on the quiz. Boy I was wrong. The quiz was composed of a 20 item identification, a ten item enumeration, and a 20 item multiple choice. Only once or twice the match happened between what I expected.

Later that evening, I apologize for error, through FB chat.

Next time never build a house on clouds. Never build house on clouds.

Is there a word for hope in Kankana-ey? None.

*What I should have done, sat I do not know what the future holds, this is what I have in the present. Take these two points build a gap, gauge target, change as time passes.

The Gita teaches to be in the present, a deviation means an insult to one's power that he let's someone or something takes over his chariot. I am accountable for every moment of my actions and I must never ever rely on bullshit prediction of something. You know what I should have done? Fucking study that shit!

One thing about uncertainty is to first know what is the present circumstances. Second is to draw an arrow of direction. Third parts is to take known quantity and one bit of unknown quantity then equate it to zero. Chances are what the future  value can be determined from the present. Therefore the future is the present, what have happened in the past shall happen again, but it always depends of the change, it always depends on change.

Karma is an uneditable journal that is also an AI. Everything is written. Read that twice.

Martes, Oktubre 24, 2017

The importance of pregnant women in society.

Pregnant and lactating women is the society. The while civilization is built upon the mother and her child. Man has realized that his duty is to provide and protect this bundle of the future, the seed of the world. While man do work for his stomach, he was given intellect and strength by the Gods to care for them. So placing women in the pedestal is not an act of spoilt but an act of gratitude. The presence of women gives meaning to his life, ignites his intellect, motivate his slacking body, women are truly God's blessing, without women, man is as good as rocks.

What about the fuss that I'm listening about the decadence and immorality that was happening in the West. Transgender, gays, etc., this is Adharma, an act not in accordance with the law of God. They should be terminated. It has not done anything good to the society. Fathers breed weak boys and raise feminine men.

Wait, what should be of men? Men should be strong, men should be moral, men should lead, men should be perceptive, men should have a God, men should be intelligent. That is why education is so crucial in molding a man's character. A strong father to guide him, a mother that loves him, a brother he can confide, a sister who supports him, a grandfather's sight, a grandmother's cook, a cousin's respect, a village to look for him. He should be spoiled with love, not with material things, for love is limitless and transcend beyond the law is time. When he grows up, that love he will share, though not in memory, but in heart. Teach him to work in his hands, hands are meant to work and not to slack. He should know that he is the master of his mind and no one shall be his master unless situation need it.

Huwebes, Oktubre 19, 2017

How drama sells big time.

Entertainment industry is a money machine. With the advent of media, someone needs to fill the demand. A demand for anything people wanted.

The actor want this value the customer wants this value. Bingo!

That's why Patreon is good! A consumer based economy? In media, yes. In production, it is heavily depends on the renewable sources.

Patreon. Interesting. Make a product, sell it, guaranteed. How about the same principle to be used in agriculture? Yeah that's how negotiations work. Two people agree to enrich each other, that is wealth. Friends and benefits. That is business.

What value can I provide? I can freestyle song, I can speak in multiple languages, I know to program, media genius, the art of illusion, so fake it will better than reality. People want fantasy so much it became an addiction. Dopamine hits in the brain makes shit.

This what makes sells emotions, holidays, hormones, stupid people, smart people, any gimmick you want, invent a religion, build a cash collecting factory, build a school name your price for the tuition, write a book, make it compulsory, you can live in royalty in your lifetime. Invest your money on smart people and watch the money multiply to the roof.

Give your brain and skill to the highest bidder but your heart not be bought.

Printer trouble.

This morning I am going to print the book Bhagavad Gita As It Is. Well I print the half of the book but that's it.

I have no more time to finish the other half and so I instructed my brother to do it for me. I grab pen and paper and write down the instructions. Then I go to school.

Later in the afternoon he texted me that I place the bond paper in wrong orientation so I replied that I better do it myself.

That's it, the thing got haywire.

Compiling the scraps and the errors I think, hey maybe why not just bind it as it is then just mine the good ones?

What's like when everything is gold? It will be valued as a rock.

Why mine the finest when you can't even use it? Well maybe people demand gold and they buy gold so you sell them.

Everything can be sold right? Yes! Even things without value. Maybe swap. Barter. Negotiate. That's it! The art of selling! I am good at selling. What to sell? But... sell goods that have ethical bearing. Use your conscience in dealing with people. How to deal people? They don't teach that, there should be constant practice.

A lawyer practice law, doctor, medicine, engineer, engineering, teacher, teaching. All professions deal in work doing work, doing finest work.

Best service? If we think in pure economy the best service is knowledge, that is the best knowledge.

Engineers do. Engineers deliver. Let the egghead do the thinking. Your job is to save money, earn money, make money, give value to the world.

Huawei is one example. Years of mastery then sell that distilled mastery, labor, to a very cheap price? That is a service to mankind.

Service to mankind? Yes every learned person should educate the unlearned, that is true wealth. Education. Knowledge. Forget the confusing words of Solomon, his mind was intoxicated by his own thinking.

Truly, knowledge is power.

Really the only thing that separates men is his knowledge nothing more. The more he understands the more he can play in the pyramid of intellect. Look at YouTube for example, there loads and loads of videos for the very stupid to highly scholar. If one can understand that, then he can play on either of the game.

So what lies in the highest knowledge? Quantum physics? Aliens? Spirituality? What is the highest knowledge? Ah yes the Bhagavad Gita is true, the knowledge of death. Every memory, everything a man know and care to remember will be just as dust so better write everything. Everything you like to remember. Heck just remember everything! Is it possible? But our existence in only in the now so everything changes second after second after second. Even these words do change.

I think that is life is teaching again and again, live now, not later, not tomorrow. Now. Fulfill your responsibility.

Miyerkules, Oktubre 18, 2017

Time and Geology


10th ed:

14th ed:

The Key to the Past

Relative Time
     Principles Used to Determine Relative Age
     Correlation The Standard Geologic Time Scale

Numerical Age
     Isotopic Dating
     Uses of Isotopic Dating

Combining Relative and Numerical Ages

Age of the Earth
     Comprehending Geologic Time


What is the difference between the relative age and numerical age?

How to determine the sequence of geologic events? Through dating!
What are the relative dating principles?

How do fossils are used to determine relative age?
How paleontology contributed to the development of the geologic time scale?

What is radioactive decay?
How do radiogenic isotopes can be used to determine numerical age?

What is the age of the Earth?
What is the Earth's major subdivision of geologic time?


James Hutton  father of geology

 Charles Lyell Principles of Geology Charles Darwin

The concept that geologic processes operating at present are the same processes that operated in the past eventually became known as the principle of uniformitarianism. Basically, history repeats itself.

 The term actualism comes closer to conveying the principle that the same processes and natural laws that operated in the past are those we can actually observe or infer from observation as operating at present. History gives birth to Present.

 Under present usage, uniformitarianism has the same meaning as actualism for most geologists.

numerical age (also known as absolute age )—age given in years or some other unit of time;
e.g. Dec. 10, 1997

 relative time the sequence in which events took place, rather than the number of years involved
e.g. I am born two weeks before Christmas a week after Bonifacio Day.


 Contacts are the surfaces separating two different rock types or rocks of different ages.

 Formations are bodies of rock of considerable thickness with recognizable characteristics that make each distinguishable from adjacent rock units.

 The subdiscipline of geology that uses interrelationships between layered rock (mostly) or sediment to interpret the history of an area or region is known as stratigraphy (from the Latin word stratum, meaning a thing spread out, or a cover).

The principle of original horizontality states that beds of sediment deposited in water formed as horizontal or nearly horizontal layers.

The principle of superposition states that within a sequence of undisturbed sedimentary or volcanic rocks, the oldest layer is at the bottom and layers are progressively younger upward in the stack.

The principle of lateral continuity states that an original sedimentary layer extends laterally until it tapers or thins at its edges.

 The principle of crosscutting relationships states that a disrupted pattern is older than the cause of disruption. s. The sedimentary beds on either side of the valley appear to have been sliced off, or truncated, by the valley.

 Feature Is Younger Than But Older Than

 Valley (canyon) < Skinner Gulch Limestone
 Foster City Formation < Dike > Hamlinville Formation
Dike < Larsonton Formation > Foster City Formation
 Larsonton Formation < Leet Junction Formation and granite >Dike
Granite < Tarburg Formation >Larsonton Formation

contact metamorphosed (think “seared” or “baked”)

The principle of inclusion states that fragments included in a host rock are older than the host rock.

An unconformity is a surface (or contact) that represents a gap in the geologic record, with the rock unit immediately above the contact being considerably younger than the rock beneath.

An angular unconformity is a contact in which younger strata overlie an erosion surface on tilted or folded layered rock.

A nonconformity is a contact in which an erosion surface on plutonic or metamorphic rock has been covered by younger sedimentary or volcanic rock.

In geology, correlation usually means determining time equivalency of rock units.

Finding physical continuity —that is, being able to trace physically the course of a rock unit—is one way to correlate rocks between two different places.



Which it the right way because this important but as humans we should be in the moment with the current occupations in our life not otherwise. So bye.

Martes, Oktubre 17, 2017

Stages of Mining: Prospecting and Exploration

What is prospecting? Prospecting is defined as the search for an ore body while exploration is defined as the activities of evaluating a geologic prospect to determine the ore size, shape, grade, and profit material.

So the factors to consider in prospecting was how big is the ore, what does it look like, it it high grade, will we profit from it?

The men conducting prospecting and exploration should be well versed in the science of geology and geophysics. One should have a fundamental knowledge of physical geology, rocks and minerals, structural geology, and mineral deposits.

Most mineral deposits mined for their economic values are geologic anomalies.


What is economic discovery? An ore deposit with an estimated revenue of 20M with a return rate at least 10%.

What I'd significant discovery? A deposit that will yield more than 500

Finish it!

Okay so I'm writing about prospecting and exploration on the blogger app then I closed to resume it after lunch but it was not saved.

From now on there should be an autosave mechanism on every work. Yeah I know I should not dwell on the fruit of my action but that's not what I want to do. Write a book then burn it. Yeah right. Ok maybe I'm just reacting here more often than not so I'll save it next time.

Lunes, Oktubre 16, 2017

The Talk

No I don't want to have a title. Ok I think I will write on auto mode. No thoughts. No thoughts. So what am I thinking right now. Don't let loose the horses. Own your mind you idiot. Don't let it be on it's own. You are the master. I am the master. We should be helping each other to be better doing our duty? What is our duty? I have no idea. Wait. We must be a good student, a son, an elder brother, a citizen, an Igorot, a Filipino, a college student, a man, a leader. Remember that you hold the family's totem. You are the symbol of the family. Own it. It is yours. But Krishna said I should not get attached to anything? Yes he said that, what I am telling you was that was your responsibility, a load to carry on on this life. You are also an engineering student. That means you should be able to solve solutions the best way possible. You should not be alone with this. There are many many people who are willing to help you in times of need, if God is seeing that your need was for the sake of your duty to your fellow men, then why should he say otherwise? Listen you are getting weak. It is starting again that downward spiral to death. What should I do? Stop doing nonsense, stop thinking nonsense. Then what should I think? Think of the technical matters, master it, teach it to the world. Even if the problem is irrelevant to you, it is your responsibility as an engineer, yes, you are an engineer, there is no doubt about that. What is the engineer good at? An engineer is a manager of people, a tribesmen, a inquired, an organizer of brains and brawns to beat whatever thing that needs to be done? Like what? Making everyone rich. Making everyone wealthy in mind and in material way, also the social network of individuals. You should know who are the best people to work with the best people. How do laymen think? How do women think? How do strong men? How do rich people think? How about the intellectuals? How about the pragmatics? You know that there are men which in one or another being dominated by either of the three modes. The honest, the dishonest, and the apathy. If you know of these three you can able to fully comprehend which is the best for a certain task. The world has many many people Charles, lots and lots of people. It's your job to mine them. Who they are. What do you want to do. Because if you are a man with direction, people will believe you no matter how intellectually, financially, superior to you. Have a vision Charles, you can achieve any project. You envision all the families in the Philippines  to be in wealth right? You see everybody has a nice home, the sun is shining on the adobe of your kinsman, there is laughter, joy, peace, wealth, everyone is intelligent, everyone is a learned man, the education has many many ways and the men are strong, the women are beautiful and modest, the children are healthy, they worship their own God minus a single dogma, a single book, everyone is following their conscience, everyone is conscious. But what if the leela of the Lord takes place? Well at least we have an ideal, that is the ideal? Live in wealth? Yes live in wealth in a simple neighborhood, knowledge and experience are much valuable than gold and computers. See the objects as a medium, heck everything is a medium. To where? To whom? I don't know. It depends where a man wants to go. Where do want to go? India? I have no idea. What do want to accomplish? I just takes occupation where the mind takes me to. Do you believe in education? Sure it changes my perspective to the world? Is that a good or a bad way? I don't know, it depends on the situation. I can compare that. What else do you want to say? Yeah it's much better to type here in the phone than typing it in the keyboard because there's an autocorrect intelligent design, whatever that means. So anything you want to add? I guess I'll need to do any homework then? Maybe I'll just write until I have nothing juice in my head or when my hand will be tired or any external force let pause this activity.

Let's talk about porn, what is porn, porn is the media in which female and male are naked and the genitals are in each others genital. What do you want to add to add. When you see it as it is, there is no problem. But when you see it with what you want to see it, then you became intoxicated with your thoughts. That's it the mind is the criminal. The eyes are the criminal, the ears are the criminal. What should we do about it? I don't know, just let the porn industry be close to the young minds of the society and let the adults be the major audience.

Anymore to add, Charles? Yeah I think that's what's in my head this time, I'm drop off when I have more to share.

Reddit? Read? Exercise? You must do Charles, do! Okay, I think I 'll do push-up.

Don't waste your youth! This is the best time to invest in yourself. Physically be strong, mentally be sharp, spiritually be straight. Do your duty. Be in the present. Don't be sucked in by the media. BE IN THE PRESENT CHARLES. THIS IS A HEED AND WARNING, A BLESSING AND A CURSE WHATEVER THAT IS DO YOUR DUTY.


FIRE, I'm thinking of fire. They said it is the purest element. I have to agree. It is the purest element, a soul.

Thinking about the present, I don't have any motivation to do something earthly anymore, I think that would hurt my present. Why are you thinking this way O arrow of God, this should not become of you.

Yes I should banish all doubts in my mind and be on the process not in the output. Know when to and when not. Do your job. Now that's too repetitive. Is there any else? Be strong, be strong, be of a reliable knowledge. Don't be the leader who leads of blind knowledge. Should be the leader play as a banner of the group so that they will be on one set of thinking and not be a scatter-brain? Yes you're right. I think you nailed it, yes the leader should be in the present and be the one who organizes the minds of its members, the leader is not of superior to the members but a hierarchical symbol of the group. What happens to a leaderless group? A leaderless group will be like a loose stallion, without binds, without a master, it will be a waste. Strong forces should be mastered no matter how deemed dangerous it is. It should be mastered.

Typhoons? That is a great energy generator that can't be viewed as waste. Landslides and floods are the by product of those great wind. How then use typhoons? How to use the "wrath" of mother earth for mankind's benefit? A change of mind, inquirer, a change of mind. A change of mind? Yes, when man see things as it is, illusions get out of the way and the nature of things will come out of the light.

Sunlight if very precious. Golden wealth freely in your door every day. This is the sight of God, water of the above.

In case for you, a student, your understanding, consistency, communication, neatness, simplicity, courtesy, cleanliness, self respect, self-criticism, believe in a God, those are the good qualities of a student. Who is good student? The one who exceeds the capabilities of his teacher, that is good student. Who is a good son? One who defeats his father. Who is a leader? One who himself is knowledgeable and disciplined in all his undertaking.

Should I speak in simple words? What are words really are medium of communication, whatever words you say as long as you mind understood it, it is the perfect word.

Thank you, my mind has been purified with this conversation with you, I SHALL drop a visit once in a while.

You are who you eat.

KThis after afternoon when we are eating dinner, pressure-cooked beef skin and beans with green leafy vegetables. I'm thankful, say grace, and we ate. After quite some time I feel unease in my gut. The beef skin feels like pork fat.

I am thinking kimchi. Then manang said hey how about your sauerkraut? I said I threw it away, it's tasteless. Mom added, the red cabbage it's not supposed to be made into kimchi.

I drop my spoon, get bread instead, and just ate it, just staring the left rice and beef skin on my plate.

Mom knew what to do and she asked me, do you want kimchi? Yeah sure. I'll text your sister to buy one.

What do you feel? Mom asked. I feel uneasy, something is missing, the food taste bland, I don't enjoy it.

You should drink milk.

It is drank in the morning, mom.

It's much better now cause it will make you relax.

Mom went on to wash the dishes.

I went to our room and played the guitar while waiting for the kimchi.

Someone is knocking on the door. Sis is here, kimchi is here. Opened it ate it.

'Naikawa ak sin kimchi tan din laklaku ak yan inggay naya-om ngay ya talaga ay nadanom, anyway, as soon as the kimchi passed through my lips I felt relief. Yeah, this week, I didn't buy any kimchi, nor Yakult, nor any probiotics because I will not have enough money because I bought a bag.

Probiotics is a blessing for me. I hope I learned it sooner maybe my development should have been a smooth transition. I should learn sooner that the brain and the gut is connected, heck every member of the body is connected and every organ should be treated with understanding.

The three modes of the body according to Lord Krishna.

The good/honest, the passionate/apathic, the ignorant/dishonest.

The honest knows himself. The passionate knows the physical world, the virtual world, his mind dwells on the game and sees only the game excluding the players behind the avatars. The dishonest is envy of himself, he knows that the immortal soul, dwells in him yet he consciously resist the truth, always in denial, he looks at he wise as fools.

I want to categorize it in three inhabitant of a body.

One is an angel, one is a human, and one is a demon.

The angel eats the wholesome, juicy, tender, pleasing to the heart foods.

The human eats the bitter, salty, spicy, strong taste, bland taste, the extremes of the taste buds.

The demon eats the putrid, the decayed, the leftover, the rancid, the morbid, anything that is devoid of life.

There is no one superior of one to the other because a man is composed of the three households, one that is more in control more than the other it depends on time.

Chemically, the body is a chemical bag which either absorbs or expel things that was placed. A real work of genius! How can a mindless member knows what to do or not what to do? The body is the subconscious mind, the medium in which the mind gives the permission to do what it wants to just stop bothering the mind.

Can a man resist the effects of drunkenness with his own will? Will not the body should take in that alcohol? They should work together. They should play together.

Sabado, Oktubre 14, 2017

The Golden Standard

The best thing to do to measure something strange quantity or quality is impossible without comparing it to a standard.

What is a standard, a standard is the rock, the basis, of the measurement, it will be the unit, a reference point, a default line, between the unknown.

Measurement is merely the contrast between the known and the unknown variables.

So how do I measure my success?

Set a standard.

Don't delay your duty.

Yesterday I planned to be early to copy assignment in circuits but certain situations happens. So I was about an hour early as I assume the time of travel would be about 30 minutes. Boy I was wrong, traffic takes a toll early until the destination.

Me being late doesn't always been. I always make way for the assignments to be made and passed on time.

Remembering duty.

Then I realized maybe this what happened when you forgot to respect yourself and settling with the scrap of others. Where is your pride O' mighty lion? It's a shame to eat with hyenas, this should not become of you.

I am a proud fighter, also a fine artisan, never copy. Don't fell in the trap of laziness and in drunkenness.

When ethanol find it's way to your brain, your self control just throws in the open. Moderation O' king, moderation. While you are free to take happiness from the works of labor, respect the body as you respect the dwelling of God.

You are not your own now in writing this, I the immortal soul, am telling this to you. Be in alignment with your Dharma and protect it with your might. Now your brain is heavy and in fog, how can you do your duty in a clouded state?

Huwebes, Oktubre 12, 2017

Coconut oil blood clot suck.

Sir Romeo M. Santos says that he feel into a hole hurt his back then his miner says he will go to his house buy alcohol.

Upon going to him, take his shirt then massage coconut oil on his back then suck his back

First suck black blood, blood clot
.until red blood

The genius of the miners.

Every move should be based on reason.

Calculated movement.

I learned this the hard way.

Why didn't I deliver the right answer?

First, I have no one to countercheck my answer. I didn't countercheck my answer.

I refuse to copy.

I didn't choose the right method.

I fail to be consistent with the laws. A misalignment means wrong way.

I depend on the external temptations to influence my decision.

If I would do this again I will solve the problem in multiple solutions and compare the answer's precision.


Thy shall eat no more swine.

I had a dream talking with a friend that he felt dizzy, floating, cloudy, after eating pork. I think that is the sealing revelation to not eat anymore pork.

Captain Ajit Vadakayil wrote a full post that swine makes someone stupid. I also read that pork is easily digested by our stomach in a fast rate that the energy is useless and meat will only be a burden to the system.

Hindu, Islam, Judaism, forbid eating pig for different reasons. For a Hindu it is holy because boar was one of the avatar of Lord Vishnu. For Islam and Judaism it is unclean.

Well last night I cooked and ate pork chop with cabbage soup.

I know I should not eat pork as per Captain's heed but my reason was, is there Muslim intellectually? Not much compared to pork-eater scholars. But captain said that the reason why Muslim children are not so bright was because of the prayer at midnight. The very act of disturbing a person's sleep is not good for one's well being. It robs the child's precious REM sleep that is crucial for the development of the brain. So even though they don't eat pork, they will be remained handicapped by repressing sleep.

There is nothing new under the sun.

Wisdom and knowledge of the past will echo to eternity. Even words change. Knowledge should be polished, reconstructed. There is no perfect language. As a language serves as a mirror of our minds and not the message of the mind itself.

We are living in the grand theatre in the universe. Play your role.

Martes, Oktubre 10, 2017

The best umbrella?

One fold of course!

Considering portability? Take two fold!

How about a pain in the ass because closing on and off every two meters and by the time you get home it is now broken? Get that three-fold piece of marketing toy!

Lesson learned in choosing backpacks.

So I recently bought a counterfeit SwissGear backpack on Lazada which is about 800 and check it in Shopee which costs 300.

Lesson learned on buying backpacks? Zippers. High quality zippers is the most important component in a backpacks.

You zip and unzip it a thousand times until the fabric wears down or until you want to buy another one.

Well at least I learned how to buy online.

Linggo, Oktubre 8, 2017

Batsoy | Our dog's life

Back in elementary years  we played at the hospital's backyard after our dismissal. It's time to go home and my siblings and I sat on our pick-up truck. I sat on the front seat and I noticed that there was this puppy sleeping beneath the seat. He is a gentle creature, didn't make a fuss as the car starts until we got home.

Dad named that puppy, Batsoy, and where in the world did he got that name? Guess what, it's the very name of the puppy's owner. Batsoy's mother's name is Dalma, dad named her Dalma, for Dalamation or our grandma's name Dalmayan. Who cares!

Anyhow, years passed and he still a loyal friend of my dad. 

Batsoy's death is still a mystery, one day his gone and nowhere to be found. He was not roadkilled nor sold. He just disappeared.

Month's later dad bring home Dorang, a white dog from Tuding. 

Dorang give's birth to four puppies! Three pure white males and one black-and-white female. Yes, they are all adorable. I didn't touch them yet, and I only saw them in pictures but boy are they the cutest. 

I was thinking maybe the b&w one was a reincarnation of Batsoy. You never know.

Biyernes, Oktubre 6, 2017

First take on making sauerkraut.


These are my errors:

1. I place the cabbages in a wide plastic container which has a wide surface area to cover, this also makes the cabbage float easier.

2. I fill up a clear ultra-thin cellophane with water which I use to cover and weigh down the cabbages. I did it right but what goes wrong was the cellophane was so thin that eventually tear up mixing the water and the cabbage's water. After three days, the cabbage tastes bland and pale.

What I did right:

1. Clean the cabbage thoroughly.

2. Cut the cabbage in strips.

3. Placing enough salt.


Well, I think that is my error, the weigh bag burst open. Next time it will be first layered with clear cellophane then weighed down with zip lock cellophane filled with water. I think I will add some fruits to add taste.

Linggo, Oktubre 1, 2017

Shift F3

Here's a quiz, make it all caps in one go.
