6.11 Maintenance, Plant Facilities, and Utilities 6.11.1 Maintenance Systems ROBERT N. McINDOO Functions The maintenance organization is no different than any other organization in that it must perform certain management functions to be successful. The degree to which it performs these functions determines its ultimate success. Planning-the activity that determines the goals of the department and the means to implement those goals. This would include planning for facilities, equipment, procedures, and most of all, personnel. Organizing-the activity that distinctly identifies the work to be done and allocates it in the most efficient manner. Leading-the activity that motivates the organization to meet departmental goals and to satisfy individual needs in concert with departmental needs. Controlling-the activity that measures planned performance against actual performance. This requires detailed planning, maintenance standards, and monetary budgets. Implicit in these managerial activities are personnel needs. This involves recognizing organizational needs and finding the proper people to fill those needs. Knowing the strengths and weaknesses of the individuals dictates the need for training. INTRODUCTION Maintenance systems use available materials, facilities, and the organization efficiently and effectively. Systems for maintenance such as preventive maintenance, planning, scheduling, and work sampling are not new; what is new is the computer to file and store data, produce schedules, and to provide timely information. Some of the more important maintenance systems will be described in this section. Where applicable, the role of the computer will be defined. The systems can be made to function manually; however, the computer can greatly enhance the application in terms of man-h<1urs expended and timeliness of information. THE MAINTENANCE ORGANIZATION The maintenance organization is at best a blueprint of how the department is to meet its objectives. The best organization plan can fail if the people are inadequate or their role is misunderstood. The most poorly conceived organization can succeed if the people expected to work within it fully understand implied responsibilities and are highly trained and motivated. Ideally, a maintenance organization is designed around the needs, the facilities, and the geography of the mine or plant, without regard to personnel. The ideal is seldom found. Generally, the ideal is conceived and then modified to meet the abilities, experience, and personalities of the personnel available. Objectives The primary objective of a maintenance department is to provide sufficient facilities and equipment in a safe operating condition, at the lowest possible cost, to meet the operating plan. Maintenance may be called on to perform nonmaintenance work such as construction, plant modifications, equipment improvement, etc.; however, these activities must be considered secondary to the primary function when designing an organization. An exception to this would be the power distribution section of electrical maintenance. Pole-line construction and relocation is essential to the orderly progression of mining. Types of Organizations Normally the maintenance organization has three levels of management: First-Line Supervision-foremen who directly supervise the mechanics and craftsmen. Middle Supervision-general foremen who supervise two or more first-line foremen. In large complex shops, there may be a lead foreman who directs shift foremen and reports to a general foreman. Top-Level Supervision-maintenance managers or superintendents who direct the entire maintenance organization. Generally there are maintenance planners, clerks, and maintenance engineers as staff to support the levels. There are three basic types of organizations: (1) central maintenance organization, (2) area maintenance organization, and (3) central! area maintenance organization. Central Maintenance Organization: This is a line organization generally built around craft skills and functions. See Fig. 1. This type of organization clearly divides work re- SUPERINTENDENT a.ERICAL I PLANNING GENERAL FOREMAN I El EeTR I CAl. FOREMAN II WELDING FOREMAN GENERAL FOREMAN MECHANICAL FOREMAN PIPE FOREMAN MACHINE SHOP FOREMAN Fig. 1. Central maintenance organization. 922 © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. MOBILE EQUIPMENT FOREMAN 923 MINE OPERATIONS SUPERINTENDENT ClERlCAL--+-I-PlANNING , I GENERAL FOREMAN GENERAL FOREMAN INSTRUMENT FOREMAN I I CONCENTRATOR REPAIR FOREMAN CRUSHING REPAIR FOREMAN FLOTATION REPAIR FOREMAN I PELLETIZER REPAIR FOREMAN ELECTRICAL REPAIR FOREMAN Fig. 2. Functional organization. sponsibilities. It has the disadvantage of encouraging "inbreeding," that is, craftsmen tend to be promoted only within their group. A variation of the centralized maintenance organization is the functional organization. See Fig. 2. This organization mayor may not have some support from a central-shop group. The pure area organization is seldom used. See Fig. 3. Generally, area maintenance is used with centrally controlled shop support. Central! Area Maintenance Organization: This organization works well in a large operation which has defined plant functions and different mines or different ore bodies within a mine. See Fig. 4. A variation of the preceding organizations appears where mobile equipment assumes a major responsibility for the operation. See Fig. 5. In some surface-mining operations, all mobile-equipment maintenance and other field maintenance have been placed under the control of the mine superintendent. A separate central shops department performs support functions. This has the advantage of placing the responsibility for equipment condition on the user of the equipment. It has the serious disadvantage of possibly disregarding maintenance requirements in favor of short-term operational gains. The basic interests of the mine superintendent will inevitably favor operations to the long-range detriment of maintenance. Further, there is a conflict between the interests of the one maintenance group and the central-shops group. One may want improvements, modifications, or just reliability; the other's interests lie in the turnover of parts or overhauls. less important than the definition of roles and the adequacy and motivation of the personnel available to fill those roles. The type of organization is dictated by the size and geography of the operation as weIl as the degree and kind of maintenance involved. TRAINING To increase productivity, maintain efficiency, and to assure qualifications for advancement, the maintenance organization must provide training for both its craft group and supervisors. Technology changes. Today's skills become obsolete. Update to meet change is essential for both the craft group and the supervisors. The skills a foreman brings to his job are generally technical in nature. Knowledge of human motivation, group psychology, report writing, communication, and all the other managerial requirements are hardly inherent. New supervisors particularly need training, but all potentiaIly promotable supervisors should be prepared for advancement. Craft Group Update There are three avenues for updating craft skills: 1. Manufacturer's Training Schools-Most manufacturers of mining and plant equipment have training schools to provide the basic understanding of their equipment as well as the hands-on maintenance required. These are generally excellent, but have the disadvantage of high cost. The sponsoring company must provide travel, housing, food, and in some cases, tuition for the training. A good approach is to send select supervisors to these schools and then have these supervisors hand-tailor the material for presentation to the craftsmen. 2. Vendor Training Schools-Oftentimes the manufacturer's vendors are prepared to provide training on-site for the craftsmen. This has the advantage of being less expensive. Summary The maintenance organization, like any organization, must be designed to meet goals and objectives. The form is SUPERINTENDENT a.ERICAl I PLANNING I AREA GENERAL FOREMAN AREA FOREMAN A (CRUSHING) I AREA FOREMAN B (GRINDING) AREA GENERAL FOREMAN I AREA FOREMAN C (flOTATION) I r AREA FOREMAN D (TAILINGS) AREA FOREMAN E (MINE I) Fig. 3. Area maintenance. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. AREA FOREMAN F (MINE II) SURFACE MINING 924 SUPERIKTENDEKT a.ERICAl_-1jl-- PLANNING I AREA GENERAL FOREMAN PLANT NlEA FOREMAN A 1. GENERAL FOREMAN SHOPS AREA GENERAL FOREMAN MINE ~ ~~ 1.. FOREMAN FOREMAN FOREMAN 8 C D E FOREMAN WELDING SHOP FOREMAN PIPE StiOP 'M~ I FOREMAN fOREMAN MACHINE SHOP GENERAL FOREMAN ELEC. REP. AREA FOREMAN INSTftUMENT REPAIR F FOREMAN FAa. SHOP Fig. 4. Central/area maintenance. However, this type of training should be previewed to assure conformance with company policy and capability. 3. In-House Training-In-house training programs, developed to suit particular needs, and presented by foremen or other supervisors, are the most successful and the least costly. Training aids, slides, film, and technical data can be obtained from vendors and original equipment manufacturers, but the program can be tailored to the needs and capabilities of the maintenance organization. Because the supervisor is, in effect, the expert, he gains in stature and credibility. Further, the followup on the job site then becomes ongoing training. In order to prepare journeymen for training on new equipment, new techniques, and complex componentry, it is often necessary to provide training in basics: Hydraulics-basic theory, valve operations, pumps, piping, and auxiliary components. Bearings and Seals-types of bearings and seals, application, storage, and handling. Electrical Systems and Controls, etc. The areas of basic training should be tailored to individual organizational needs. Again, training in basics should be done in-house whenever possible. Supervisory Training Supervisory training falls into two categories: new supervisor orientation and preparation for promotion. 1. New Supervisor Orientation-The new maintenance supervisor is generally technically oriented and trained. However, he lacks managerial skills and needs help to bridge the I GENERAL FOREMAN TI"~SHOP FOREMAH FOREMAN transition from doing to getting others to do. Some general areas for training would be: a) Motivation b) Common Problem Solving-typical problems facing the supervisor such as discipline, the reluctant worker, absenteeism, drugs, etc., and how to deal with them. c) Company Policies d) Union Contracts e) Management Skills-planning, leading, organizing, and controlling. 2. Training for Promotion-Annual evaluations, formal or informal, are a requisite to determine career goals for supervisors and to recognize the training to meet those goals. Promoting from within an organization develops esprit de corps and enhances morale. It is maintenance management's obligation to prepare potentially promotable supervisors to be qualified for advancement. Some areas where training may be helpful are: a) Technical-computer technology, metallurgy, etc. b) Accounting-cost-control techniques, budgets, cost analysis. c) Communications-speech, report-writing, conducting meetings. d) Industrial Relations-grievance-handling, arbitration, contract negotiation. Training Methods Training can be effective or a bore, depending on how it is done. Visual aids are all important. Movies, slides, and participative seminars are means to interest and stimulate I GENERAL FOREMAN I SHOVEL/DRILL SHOP FOREMAN I I LOCO. SHOP FOREMAN I GENERAL FOREMAN I SHOPS FOREMAN I GENERAL FOREMAN I TRUCK SHOP FOREMAN I I TRACTOR SHOP FOREMAN Fig. 5. Variation of maintenance organization when mobile equipment assumes a major responsibility. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. MINE OPERATIONS thought. Under no circumstances should a script be read. Training is expensive. It behooves maintenance management to plan and execute training with the same attention to detail as for a plant overhaul. Training today is the key to tomorrow's success. MANNING THE MAINTENANCE DEPARTMENT No task facing a maintenance department is as difficult as justifying manpower. In operations, the manpower for an increase in production is rather straightforward: One drill operator, one serviceman, one shovel runner, five truck drivers, one crusher crew, etc., all from easily documented standards. But with the variety of crafts involved, maintenance has a much harder time. Then if production requirements increase, or worse, decrease, maintenance has an even harder time. Traditionally, maintenance has done a little guessing, or at best, used a certain rule-of-thumb to project crew sizes. But there are better ways. Philosophy of Maintenance The degree, or philosophy, of maintenance depends on a number of factors, not the least of which is distance from supporting vendors. The management of a mining operation must make a decision early on as to this degree: maximum, general, or minimum self-maintenance. This decision will have a great effect on the maintenance workload, and hence the size of the department. Methods for Manning Backlog Method: In an established maintenance department, production increases or decreases are reflected in the shop backlog of work. With an effective work order system, this backlog is easily measured. A stabilized backlog of work equivalent to three to four weeks of man-hours is considered ideal. A rising backlog of 15 to 20% would indicate the need for more craftsmen; the number needed would equal the number of man-hours divided by hours per work week to restore the 3 to 4-week equilibrium. Similarly, a declining backlog would require consideration for reducing manpower. The backlog is an effective tool for determining the number and kind of craftsmen needed for the work force. It has the advantage of being readily documented, but has the disadvantage of being a responsive measurement as opposed to an anticipatory measurement. It also presupposes the ability to increase or decrease manpower in the short run. Even if this were possible, it might not be desirable. The backlog method is most effective for service shops where the work is somewhat discretionary as to timing. Historical Data Method: The work of mobile equipment shops is for the most part nondiscretionary. Preventive maintenance inspections, servicing, and running repairs cannot be backlogged, although they can be preplanned (see the section on the "Work Order System-Planning and Scheduling"). Overhauls and component replacements can be planned and scheduled, but only with fairly large time-frame parameters. To provide the necessary manpower for these shops (and they include shovel repair, drill repair, truck and tractor shops, gas-vehicle shops, etc.), there has been developed another manning method using actual repair hour per operating hour statistics for each class of mobile equipment. The computer accumulates the operating hours for each class of trucks, for example, and would also accumulate the repair hours charged to that class of trucks. It would then produce a repair hour per operating hour statistic for a period of time, usually a month, and a summary for six months and a year (see Figs. 6 and 7). The mining plan would indicate 925 TOTAL OPER RATED RATED HR PER UNIT DESCRIPtION ~ ~ ~~ Cat D9 Cra.... ler Dozer Cat 824 R Tire Dozer Gat 988 RT Loader$ 1366.00 4492.00 273.00 299.00 1282.25 .22 .00 .22 .29 .00 85.00 .31 .00 .29 .31 Cat Road Graders Cat D8 Crawler Dozer 2832.00 1127.00 458.50 299,50 .16 .27 .00 .16 163 ,DO .27 164 Cat 988 7yd l.oader 926.00 183.00 .20 .00 .20 801 802 Unit Rig 85 Ton Ed Tk Dart 120 Ton End D\lU1p 814.00 164,00 2.37 .54 33.00 .00 2.47 .54 29.00 976.00 3.63 .50 ,00 ,DO 3.63 .50 150 154 157 158 APPR. 805 343.00 301.00 Dart 150 Ton End Dump 8.00 80T T~rex. E. D. Truck 196].00 120 T Lectra Haul 1031.00 206.50 ,20 806 Euclid 50 T ED Truck 1212.00 1213.25 ,92 807 809 Unit Rig lOOT ED Trk Unit Rig lOOT ED Trk 1152.00 2297.00 2008.00 1155.00 1.74 .50 .00 .00 1.74 .50 810 Euclid lOOT End Dump 975.00 177.50 .18 .00 .18 815 Austin West Grader 26.00 13.00 .50 .00 .50 820 822 Mich 275A RT Loader Mich 280 Dozer 1204.00 44.00 221.50 4.00 .18 .09 .00 .18 .00 .09 824 Cat R.T. Dozeu 854.00 278.00 .33 .00 • J3 83l Cat 834 RT Dozer 90't Euclids 1970 90 Ton Dart; SD Truck 90 Ton Buc SD Truck 160. 00 981.00 684.00 726.00 52.00 1380.75 567.25 884.75 .33 l.41 .83 1.22 .00 .00 .00 1.41 1975 Darr. 90 Ton SO 90 Ton Euc SD Truck 7399.00 16.00 3055.75 120,50 .41 7.53 90 Ton Trailer Oxygen Tractors Water Sprinkler Trks Fuel Tru(,'.ks 9806.00 864.00 ,08 1.60 1224.00 844.00 823,75 1378.50 364.50 656.50 19151.15 a03 804 870 871 872 873 874 869 881 883 884 Totals 45235.00 Total Repair Hours 18190.2:5 Total Labor Hours 22699.00 Percent Repah Hours to Labor .00 .00 .00 8.00 .00 .20 .92 .33 .83 1. 22 .41 7.53 .30 .78 .00 .00 .00 .00 .08 1.60 .30 .78 .42 41.00 .42 .80 Hours Fig. 6. Automotive mechanic, repair hour I operating hour. TOrAL OPER !!!~LDES~l'. 1)0 i54 C.. 1.. D9 Crawler Dozt:r 157 15S Coat 988 RT Load~rs CAt Road Graders Cat DS C/:'aw1er DOzer 163 Cat 824 R Tire Oozer H()Ul~S RATED l!ill!!~ 1366.00 4492.00 273.00 205.00 306.00 3.0n .15 .07 .00 .00 .01 .00 2832.00 1127.00 71.00 103.00 .03 .09 926.00 51.50 .06 .00 .00 91. 50 23.00 .27 .08 .25 17.50 .00 .00 .32 2,50 .05 .00 .02 .00 .15 .07 .01 .03 .09 .06 164 801 802 Cat 98B 7yd Loa.der Unit Rig 85 Ton Ed Tk Dart 120 Ton End D\,lmp 803 804 Dart 150 Ton End Dump 343.00 30LOO 8.00 eOT Terex E. D. Trul;k 1967.00 90.50 805 120 T Lectra Haul 1031.00 16.00 .05 .02 80. Euclid 50 T ED Truck 1313.00 258.00 .20 3.00 .20 807 809 Unit Rig lOOT EO Trk Unit Rig 1001' En Trk 1152.00 1197.00 549,75 186.00 .48 8.00 .48 .08 .00 .08 810 Euclid lOOT End Dump 975.00 42.00 .04 .00 .04 815 Austin West Gra.der 820 822 Mich 275A ttT Loader 824 831 870 871 Cat R.T. Dozers Cat 834 RT Dozer 90T Euclid1j 1970 90 Ton Dart SD Truck 90 Ton Euc SD Truck Mich 280 Dozer 2.00 .08 .25 26.00 3.00 .12 .00 .12 1204,00 44.00 45,00 2.00 .04 .05 .00 .00 .04 .05 854.00 160.00 981.00 684.00 726.00 33.25 1.00 158.50 52.00 49,50 .04 .01 .00 .00 .04 .16 3.50 .08 .00 .01 .17 .08 .07 ,DO .07 15.00 .00 .04 .19 .10 872 873 874 1975 D<lrt 90 Ton SD 90 Ton Euc SD Truck 7399.00 16.00 280,00 3.00 869 881 90 Ton Trailer 9806.00 970.25 .04 .19 .10 O;~ygen 864.00 127.00 .15 .00 883 884 Water Sprinkler Trks Fuel Trucks 1224.00 B44.00 53.75 44.00 .04 .00 .05 .00 .15 .04 .05 45235.003820.50 .08 51.50 .09 Tracto"t"$ Totills Total Repair HOurs 3756.75 Total Laber Hours 12360.50 Pc<rccnt Repuir: Hours to 2.no .30 fig. 7. Welder, repair hour / operating hour. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. 926 SURFACE MINING tonnages or yardage that can be translated into truck operating hours. If there is a mix of sizes and kinds of trucks, the production requirements would be assigned first to the fleet with the highest availability, or greatest possible use, then to the next fleet with the second highest availability, and so on until the production requirements are met. The fleet operating hours are then multiplied by the repair hour per operating hour statistic for that fleet. Each fleet will then generate the repair hours required to produce the operating hours assigned to it. The total of all the fleets would then represent the total repair hours (in this case, automotive diesel mechanics; see Fig. 8) needed under this operating plan. The same approach can be used for welders, shovel, and drill mechanics. In the case of a shop which services a number of mobile equipment shops, such as a machine shop, the repair hours needed would be the sum of the hours generated by multiplying the machinist's repair hour per operating hour for shovels, drills, trucks, etc. by the operating hours of that equipment. These repair hours are then divided by a statistic that is the percent of the labor hours of a shop that historically has been expended on the equipment in the mining plan. For a truck shop, approximately 80% of the labor hours of the shop are expended on the equipment maintained by the shop. (The computer can easily produce this figure along with the repair hour per operating hour.) The remaining 20% is expended on project work, safety meetings, shop tools, and unmeasured equipment. The repair hour-total now represents the needed total to meet the plan, including labor hours for construction, equipment modifications, safety meetings, etc. To this total must be added absentee hours and vacation obligation. Summary During times of economic uncertainty, the production requirements may fluctuate greatly. It is imperative that the maintenance organization have a reliable tool to predict manpower needs. The repair hour per operating hour method provides such a tool (Fig. 9). It is reliable, dynamic, and flexible. As productivity improves, the repair hour per op- REP.liR/ OP/HR EgUIP. DESCRIPTION 12 21 10 14 8 1 1 Crawlt!r Tractors Rubber Tired Dozers Front End Loaders Graders Mobile Cranes 85T Unit Rig E, D. 120T Dart E. D. .31 .25 .52 .17 .64 .60 .65 .80 .62 .45 .50 .94 .45 .30 .60 1 150T Dart E. D. 85'1' Terex E. D. 120r Unit Rig E. D. RSO Euclid E. D. lOOT Unit Rig E, D. (Old) 6 2 5 9 6 i~~ii~ni~o~i~n~' D~O (New) 1 11 Euclid Side Dump Tractors (Old) Dart Side Dump Tractors (Old) Euclid Side 'Dump Tractors (New) Dart Side Dump Tractors (NeW) Ore Haulage Trailers Oxygen/Water/Fuel trucks .55 7 4 22 41 22 .49 .28 .06 .38 OP/HR REP/HRS OP/HR REP/HR 217 720 380 1640 880 245 160 189 335 800 100 800 600 400 2320 4120 1240 224 410 146 184 26 48 52 64 155 81 250 207 360 30 480 330 196 650 248 472 12900 3915 15530 4613 700 1520 180 840 40 100 100 100 300 200 500 240 800 100 400 250 500 2000 3150 95 143 26 60 65 80 186 90 250 226 360 30 240 138 280 1080 40 80 80 80 250 180 500 220 ~ Total Repair Hrs/Week • Repair Hour$ divided by .19 Abeentee % is 6.1 Total Hours Required 5259 divided by 40 Vacation Replacements Required total Mechanics Required Present FOrce Additional Mechanics Required 3915 • 4956 - 303 5259 132 15 - Total Repair Hrs/Week "" 4613 Repair Hout'S divided by .79'" 5840 Absentee % is 6.1 "'- 357 Total Hours Required ... 6197 6197 divided by 40 z 155 Vacation Replacement Req'd., 15 Total Mechanics ReQuired 170 Present F o r c e · lS 7 Additional Mechanics req'd "" 13 14) 157 -10 1. Repai"{" Hour/Operating l-lours X Operating HOl).rs "" Repair Hours 2, Percentage of 'rotal Department Hours charged to above Mobile Equipment"'79% 3. Operating Hour~ Obtained from Mine Department Equipment Requirements. Die~H:l 4. Repair Hours are Automotive Mech<lnic Hours. Fig. 8. Automotive maintenance manpower requirements. erating hour reflects the improvements, reducing the statistic. As the equipment gets older, the statistic increases (see Fig. 10). Best of all, the logic of the approach is appealing to mine and plant management, eliminating the usual adversary posture toward maintenance manpower. EQUIPMENT AND COMPONENT HISTORIES Equipment and component records are essential to a maintenance organization. Records dictate the preventive maintenance program, control component replacement, in- 2 R 1,75 A 1,5 TEREX-85 TON EUCLID-50 TON UNIT RIG-Iaa TON DART-I 10 TON EUCLID-50 TON UNIT RIG-10a TON E P I R H o 1.25 U Fig. 9. Repair hour I operating hour for end dump trucks. R S / o P 0.76 E R H R 0.5 S 0.25 o I I I I I I I I 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 4121 OPERATING HOURS! la00 HOURS © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. MINE OPERATIONS 927 0.8 R E p A I 13.7 0.6 R H 0.5 0 U R 5 0.4 Fig. 10. Repair hour I operating hour for side dump trucks. I 0 P E 0.3 R H DART-NEil EUCLID-NEil DART-OLD EUCLID-OLD EUCLID-OLDEST 0.2 R S 0.1 ° I 5 10 I I 15 20 OPERATING HOURS 25 I I I 30 35 40 1000 HOURS dicate the need for remedial investigation, and provide documented evidence for equipment replacement. Records can also be used to project major overhauls and thus maintenance budgets. Good equipment and component histories can be maintained manually, but a manual system requires a prodigious amount of clerical time. The computer can eliminate that problem. With an appropriate software program, the computer is eminently qualified to perform record keeping with little or no paperwork. The kind of information required will vary with the kind of equipment. The following data would be typical for mobile equipment, in this case, off-highway haulage trucks: 1) Unit number 2) Model and serial number 3) Basic specification: engine, transmission, wheel motors, etc. 4) Date in service 5) Total operating hours 6) Components a) Engine serial number, previous rebuilder 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change 3) Serial numbers of previous engines in sequence b) Transmission serial number, previous rebuilder 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change 3) Serial number of previous transmissions in sequence c) Wheel motors 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change 3) Serial number of previous wheel motors in sequence d) Generator 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change 3) Serial number of previous generators in sequence e) Differential 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change Drivelines, front, rear, interaxle 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change g) Brakes, front, rear I) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change 3) Standard or XX drums by location h) Hydraulic system, pump, left and right hoist cylinder control valve, kickover valve, flow control valve 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change i) Radiator 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change j) Steering system, pump 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change k) Suspension, left front, right front, left rear, right rear I) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change I) Front axle, left and right: king pins, spindle, inner and outer wheel bearings 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change m) Rear axle, left and right: spindle, wheel bearings, planetaries, bull gear, axle shaft 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change n) Dump body 1) Operating hours since last change 2) Date of last change Component changes are entered into the program on a daily basis. With this information, a glance at the CRT will give the current status of any truck. Individual component histories are important to determine trends, predict overhauls, and to find the problem areas. Typical component records for trucks would include the engine and transmission histories, as shown in Figs. 11 and 12. Other components such as wheel motors, generators, final drives, etc. can be handled in a similar manner. Basic equipment histories for plant equipment have been f) © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. 928 SURFACE MINING ~el Serial Number l1orsepower Number 1. In Unit 2. Operating hours _ _ _ _ __ 3. Date in$talled _ _ _ _ _ _~ 4. Total hours in service _ _ __ 5. Repa.ir IHstofY mJm~r _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fleet OVerhaul Ave. Hrs. Ntmlber of Overhauls _ _ _~ Average HI's. at Overhaul _ _ a. 6. Date removed_ _~Oper. Hrs, _ _ _Cause of Failure _ _ _~ Overhaul W.O.# _ _~Reinstalled in Unit # _ _~Spe.re _ _ __ ? Total Cost This Repair_ _ _ _~'COst per HQur _ _ _ _ _~ Fig. 11. Engine component history. put into a computer program by Kennecott (now BP Minerals America) using their MAP or Maintenance Assist Program. This program integrates a parts catalog cross-reference catalog, equipment spare parts, work order system, equipment specifications, preventive maintenance, and equipment histories into an integrated matrix. Summary Equipment and component histories are vital to a maintenance operation. By keeping track of equipment and component life and cost, the outputs will show which brands of equipment and components give best value. With this information the maintenance personnel may make the kind of decision that is required to keep the mining cost low. They can be maintained manually, but the manipulation of data is well suited to a computer program. The advantages of computer programs are many: saving clerical time, ease of input, ease of access, ability to recall information in different formats, and timeliness of information. PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE Preventive maintenance (PM) is the predetermined inspection and subsequent repair of equipment and facilities to maintain high performance, prevent premature failure, and extend life. Cleaning, inspecting, testing, adjusting, and lubricating are all functions of preventive maintenance. TRANSMISSION Model Number 1. In Unit ~ ASHY. Number HISTORY Serial Number number~_~._ 2. Operating hours 3. Date installed 4. Total hours in 5. Repair history fleet OVerhaul Hours Number of OVer-ha.uls service_~ Ave. hours at overhaul _ _ _ __ a. 6. Date removed _ _ _Oper. Hours _ _._Cause of Failure, _ _ Overhaul W.O. # _ _Reinstal1ed 7. 10 Unit # _ _~Spa.re. ____ Total Cost This Repair _ _ _ _ _'Cost per Hour _ _ _ __ Fig. 12. Transmission component history. The key to establishing an effective PM program is record keeping (see "Equipment and Component Histories"). With adequate records of equipment and component failures, frequency of inspections can be determined. Too frequent is a waste of equipment time and manpower; not frequent enough will defeat the program. Advantages Some of the advantages and rewards of a successful preventive maintenance program are: l. Safety-well-maintained equipment is safe equipment. Safety features such as guards, brakes, horns, alarms, etc., provide the reliability to protect the operator as well as the equipment. 2. Cost-the aim of a good preventive maintenance program is to repair small problems to prevent catastrophic failures, or "for the want of a nail, the shoe was lost ... " approach to maintenance. After initial installation, preventive maintenance can reduce labor costs as much as 15% with a corresponding reduction of parts costs. 3. Availability-nothing is as frustrating to operations as unscheduled downtime of equipment. Preventive maintenance provides for an orderly inspection of equipment, resulting in timely scheduled repairs, thus minimizing failures in operation. Except for safety items, it is possible to defer repairs determined by inspection until a more propitious time, when manpower can be scheduled or the equipment can be released. This is particularly important in plants where down days are scheduled. Availability as a quantitative measure Total hours ~ downtime hours Total hours can be increased as much as 20%. The value of this improvement can be easily measured by the cost of the units and operators not required to produce the required tonnages. 4. Planned vs. Emergency-planned and scheduled work is done on straight-time hours. Emergency work is often overtime work. Preventive maintenance reduces emergency work, hence the need for overtime. 5. Productivity-unscheduled downtime interrupts production and causes inefficiencies in the operation. PM will reduce unscheduled downtime and increase productivity. Further, equipment that is well maintained, adjusted, and lubricated will operate at peak efficiency, thus improving productivity. Operator acceptance alone will improve performance when there is confidence in and satisfaction with well-maintained equipment. 6. Equipment Life-a good PM program will extend the productive economic life of equipment. Designing the System The first step in designing a preventive maintenance program is to define the frequency of inspections. This can best be determined from records of equipment or component failures. Probably the best measurement is operating hours, although calendar time, tons, miles, and even gallons of fuel burned are sometimes used. Each basic kind of equipment may require a different frequency of inspection. The checklist or PM form provides a guide for the inspector. It is a quantitative judgment of the equipment being inspected, and a directive to planning supervision as to what repairs are necessary. Inspections on the same equipment may have different degrees of inspection to be performed. For example, an off-highway truck may have a 100, a 500, and a 2000 hr inspection form, each varying as to the depth © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. 929 MINE OPERATIONS of the inspection. Calendar-time inspections work well if operating levels are constant, but can cause problems when mine plans fluctuate. The use of calendar time leads to a tendency to overinspect during periods of low operations and underinspect when operations are at a higher level. When devising checklists, equipment manufacturers, vendors, and lubrication suppliers can be most helpful. A word of caution: Equipment manufacturers and lubrication specialists generally have a tendency to "guild the lily," suggesting overinspection, so take their advice and adjust to suit (see typical mobile equipment checklists: Figs. 13, 14, and 15). Structuring the Preventive Maintenance Because preventive maintenance includes servicing, the program should include two levels of skills. The serviceman or oiler can be very helpful in providing information, but the actual inspection should be performed by a craftsman. Ideally, these two skills would work together. There are two schools of thought on the craftsman selected to perform PM inspections. I) PM inspections are considered an integral part of the workload, and assignment of the inspections is made to any qualified craftsman from the daily pool not committed to other work. 2) The PM inspections are assigned to specific individuals in the craft group who have an interest in and are trained for PM inspections. Both approaches can be successful. However, in a large operation the problem of training a large workforce suggests selecting and training those craftsmen needed who have an interest in PM. Many good craftsmen make poor inspectors if their driving interest is in normal trade work. Some craftsmen will overinspect or underinspect. The PM inspector must _"'_GOOD REPAIR _X_REPAIRED _O_TO BE REPAIRED ~Nor APPLICABLE INSPECTED 8Y _ _ _ _ _ __ FOO£MAN _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Fig. 14. For diesel trucks, 2000-hr preventive maintenance inspection. UNIT NO, DATE _ _ _ _ _ ~ !;'tHT NO, _ _ _ __ W. 0, r>O, A. f. 1. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 2. J. 4 5. 6 7. 8 G. 1. 2. ELECTRICAL SYSTEM Lights &: SwitchtlS Alternator (., MOunting Batteries & Cables Windshield Wipers Other C. 1. 2. 3. 3. 9. 10. H. 4. 5. 11. 1. 2. 3. 6. 7. B. 1. 4. 3. H. 1. 2. 3. 4. S. 6 4. J. S. 2 1. 1. 2. 3. 7. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 5. 6. C. 1. 2. 3 1. 12. 3. 4. 4 n. 1 2, 3. :. --10. 11. 12. 5. AXLES 6. IITTr. Hsg. Mounting Bolts 7. Drive1ines (. Flanges lfueel Brglil. 6; Seals Steering Trunnions & J. 1. 7. , K. 5. 1. 7. 3. 4. 3. 4. 5. ,. 7. e 5. 6. Test 7. l 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. _X~REPi\IR.ED --L-GOOD REPAIR _O_TO _ ,_REPAIRED BEREPAiRED~NOT Fig. 13. For diesel trucks, lOO-hr preventive maintenance inspection. APPLICABLE DATE _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ INSPECTED BY _ _ _ _ _ _ __ f'ORE~iAr; Fig. 15. For dozer-loader-grader, lOOO-hr preventive maintenance inspection. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. 930 SURFACE MINING be able to distinguish between worn and worn out. It is much simpler to train a select group to apply predetermined reasonable standards of performance. Scheduling Preventive Maintenance Once the program has been designed, the problem of scheduling becomes paramount. Records for each piece of equipment must be maintained, correlating inspection with operating hours, tons, or whatever appropriate measure is used. This can be done manually, but is a natural for the computer. Programs can be designed to list each piece of equipment, hours since last inspection, those which are due for inspection, and any other pertinent data required, such as filter sizes, part numbers, oil quantities, coolant, and gear lube capacities, etc. Hard copies can be produced from onsite printers, which in effect become schedules. Operating hours and completed inspections are the input. The program can produce summaries of fleet or section PM performance, labor expended, etc., to provide maintenance management with a measure of the overall PM program. Introducing the Program It is essential that a preventive maintenance program, or any other maintenance system, have not only the blessing of management, but its whole-hearted support. The advantages must be cogently presented, with realistic quantitative cost benefits outlined. Once this support is obtained, it is equally essential to consult with the operating superintendents. They must be convinced that the program is to their advantage. They should be involved in the decision process as to what equipment should be inspected, the frequency of inspection, and what flexibility is allowable to maintain production. With their cooperation, the program can be successful; without it, the PM program becomes only a maintenance problem, rife with maintenance vs. operating confrontations. WAREHOUSE COMPUTER-AIDED PARTS REQUISITIONING AND DELIVERY SYSTEM A maintenance program is only as good as its skilled craftsmen and supervisory organization. But a corollary to that is: a good maintenance program is only as effective as the availability of parts. Generally, in most mining operations, maintenance determines the kind and quantity of parts required (maximumminimums, or order points, order quantities), but is not directly responsible for the warehouse function. Cooperation between these two responsibilities is essential to the health of any maintenance organization and to assure obsolete parts do not build up in the warehouse. The usual arrangement is to have a central warehouse or a central warehouse with satellite warehouses throughout the mine and plant to supply operations and maintenance. Withdrawal cards signed by supervisors are presented to the warehouse counter by craftsmen or service truck drivers for parts. Part numbers are obtained by supervision or the craftsmen from equipment parts manuals, with or without superceding part numbers or cross-referencing. The warehouse usually supplies a parts location reference which mayor may not be obsolete. The cards would be punched for computer processing or would be manually sorted to provide inventory control and cost data. This standard scenario satisfies only the function of warehousing and inventory controL Maintenance suffers from the many inefficiences built into it. I) Craftsmen travel to and from their place of work to obtain parts. Queuing at the warehouse is common. Work sampling suggests that 15% of a craftsman's time is wasted obtaining parts (see "Work Sampling"). 2) Supervision will spend from 25% to 40% of their time looking up part numbers in parts books, checking superceding numbers, or trying to cross-reference parts. 3) Parts that are normally in the warehouse may be outof-stock. The craftsmen make the trip and come back emptyhanded. It has long been the maintenance manager's dream to have a complete up-to-date catalog of parts at supervision's fingertips, to be able to order parts remote from the warehouse, and to have those parts delivered to the job site. With the advent of the computer with remote cathode ray tube (CRT) audio-video display units, the dream has become a reality. The first step requires the cataloging of every part in the warehouse. Parts are entered into the computer program by fleet and cost center, by all known part numbers including cross-referencing to other equipment, and by description of part and warehouse location. The catalog information appears as a screen on the CRT as shown by the inventory control main menu, Fig. 16 and detail screens, Fig. 17. With this program, information screens may be called up by part number, description, location, equipment number, or cost center to determine if the desired part or parts are available in the warehouse. If they are available, the ordering screen, Fig. 18 is called up and up to seven separate orders can be placed. After entering the appropriate data (see instruction screen, Fig. 19), the order key is depressed on the CRT (Fig. 20), and a printer in the warehouse prints out a three-part order, Fig. 21. A hard-copy printout can also be obtained from the shop printer. The warehouseman puts up the order and, depending on location for delivery and size of order, delivers to the designated location by electric truck [O.4t (0.5 st) golf cart], forklift, or pickup delivery truck, Fig. 22. One part of the order form is retained by the warehouse. The other two parts are signed by the receiving responsibility, with one part returned to the warehouse as evidence of receipt. Warehouse inventories are adjusted daily to account for material received and disbursed. Cost accounting information is distributed to the proper accounts. RESTRICTIONS Order Parts From Warehouse Ordering Parts General Info Order File Procedures None None Stores & Acctg. Only None PF4 Catalog File Brows€': PFS Class and Location Inquiry None. PF6 Part Number Or Desc. Browse None PF7 Class and Location Browse None PF8 Complete Description Browse None Receiv Items rnto Stock Employee No. Stores Dept. Only The number will not display as you are keying it. - - - - .. -- - - Ins truet ions - - - - - - - - -1. Key in the code or hit tne appropriate PF key that you desire. If a code 1 is selected, key employee number also. For codes 1. 2, 3, 9 hit the enter key. Fig. 16. Inventory control main menu on the CRT screen. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. MINE OPERATIONS DtRECT ORDERING OF PARTS GENERAL INFORMATION SCREEN CATALOG FILE BROWSE KEY CST-UNT-FAC-COM 1)5 Pad, Cushioning-End 17892 11-019201 7 e. 25.88 Here are some things to reme:mber when ordering parts from the Warehouse. 1. Use the inquiry screens to find the items you wish to order. 135 Ring,Rub 948022 11-019432 3 eo 55.75 135 Screw,Cap 1/2X2-1/2 10033 11-319482 8 eo . 20 135 Screw,Cap 5/8Xl-l/2 17877 11- 218472 1)5 Seal 16949 11-019472 "8 1.00 2 ea 41. 25 12 135 Seal ,Oil Frt Wh@el 53X3646. Garlock 11-019424 6 e. 48.60 1)5 Stud,l X 4 -1 /2 Front 947898 13-116384 24 e a 4.75 26389,71796A 11-019683 Washer, thrust Fr t Wh Euclid lOOT End Dump description of each item you wish to order . 2. If you do not need /:lny inquiries to order any items you can proceed directly to the order screen and ke:y in the items. 3. When filling in the cost coding on the items you wish to order , be 137 Belt 4042188 63-011802 3 ea 177 .93 137 Bolt,Brake Va lve 0179839 63-029212 2 ea .04 very careful that you key it in properly. 505 RI00 Euclid I f you do not key any coding in for an item, it is assumed to be the same as the previous 100 Cooling System item, --------------- It.ems To Be Ordered---------l. To see next group, hit enter. QTY Key c:he class and location, quantity, unit of measure and a brief 49.25 135 810 CL &: LOC 931 U/M BRIEf DESe 2. To backup II page I hit PF9. If 4. When entering t he quantity, remember to key in the leading 7.eros i f you are ordering le:ss than 10000. 5, One important thing must be remembered. No error checking is being done fo r you on any thing that you key in. If what you key l. 00000 you backup. use PFlO to go in is not correct, your order will not be processed properly. 2. 00000 forward . in order to insure that your order is filled be sure to double 3. 00000 4. 00000 5. 00000 6. 00000 7. 00000 3. For another browse key in CST-UNT-FAC-COM and hit the PF4 Key So, check your order thoroughly before sending it to the Warehouse . 6. If you only have a 4 digit employee number. be sure to preceed it with a zero when keying it in. PFl-ORD FORl" 4. PF5 - CLS/LOC PF6 - PT NO BROWSE PFl2-ABORT 7, Whenever using the PF k eys you must hold down the alter key at the same time. PF7 - CLS/LOC BROWSE prs - -·----------·---HIT THE ENTER KEY TO RETRUN TO THE MAIN MENU-- - ----- -- COMP DESC BROWSE Fig. 17. Catalog file browse on the CRT screen. Fig. 19. General information for direct ordering of parts on the CRT screen. The delivery system can be set up on a regular timedelivery schedule. However, the ideal is delivery on demand. In a central-shop complex experience has shown that in excess of 100 deliveries a shift are possible using the demand system. Distances to receiving areas would be the determining factor. The inventory can be adjusted as each transaction occurs providing current inventory status. The transactions can also be held and the adjustments batched every 24 hr. The real time approach is best for maintenance. The batching method provides better inventory control. Parts receiving by the warehouse also becomes a part of the overall program. Fig. 20. Ordering parts on a CRT in the planning office. STORES MATERIAL WITHDRAWAL ORDER NO. 0859203 DATE CHARGE TO BE USED ON: 06/30/82 DELIVERY POINT COUNTERMAN NO ORDERED BY HAUSCHILD MARK H RECEIVED BY CST UNT FAe \.1-0 CL & LaC QTY U/H 8RIEF DESCRIPTION QUANTITY DELIVERED 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 00000 -- ------ --- -I NST RUCT IONS- -------- - ----FOLLOW EXACTLY AS STATED--- -----.--- 1. Add cha r g e to be used on (. delivery point to order. coding to order. Sight verify complete order. Add all cost Hit PFl again to tr ansmi t to Warehous e. If you wish to return to inquiries (not order ye:t) hit the PF2 key . Fig. 18. Stores material withdrawal on the CRT screen. Fig. 21. Receiving the order in the warehouse. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. 932 SURFACE MINING Fig. 22. Delivering the order. Summary The time lost procuring parts has a three-pronged effect; time lost by craftsmen obtaining the parts, the supervisor's time searching for part numbers, and the delay in completing the job itself. The computer·aided parts-requisitioning and delivery system will reduce labor by 15%, will reduce the time to perform the work a similar amount, and will give the foreman more time to supervise. WORK-ORDER SYSTEM-PLANNING AND SCHEDULING The most effective tool maintenance can have for the control of parts and labor is a functioning work·order planning and scheduling system. An effective work-order system precedes planning and scheduling. The maintenance work order is an authorized document to perform a maintenance function or an improvement to equipment. Plant engineering work orders would be nonroutine capital or expensed work, such as construction, remodeling, or work entailing major expenditures and requiring detailed drawings. Both types of work orders can use the same format and procedures for handling. Much has been written on the forms and procedures for a work-order planning and scheduling program. This section will detail in outline form one approach to the problem, utilizing the computer and CRTs instead of paper forms. The advantages of a work-order planning and scheduling system are: I) It provides preparation and planning to insure the effective use of labor and materials. With proper planning there are no surprises. Jobs are not started, then stopped for lack of materials. Work is scheduled and personnel are dedicated to the task. Planned and scheduled work is from 5% to 15% lower in cost. 2) It reduces downtime. Work is not interrupted. Crises do not develop. Equipment is returned to operations as scheduled. 3) Priorities are established. Essential work is done first. Each ordering responsibility knows when his work will be done. Flexibility of the system allows for changes as priority changes occur. 4) Supervision is relieved of details and expediting. Supervisors can depend on the system for detail planning, allowing them to function as supervisors. These advantages of the basic system are much enhanced by utilizing the computer and CRTs to provide the memory filing, the work-order request, and the timely cost accounting. The computer can provide 48-hr cost data using the batch method. If programmed for on-line data update, the cost information can be available on a shift basis. The cost information is intended to provide maintenance with the means to quickly evaluate progress of a project against current expenditures of labor and materials. Timely information can be used to correct problems before they become serious. The system as outlined in the following distinguishes between the traditional work order for a fabricating shop, machine shop, pipe shop, etc., where there is generally discretionary time for planning and scheduling, as opposed to mobile-equipment shops, such as truck shops, shovel repair, drill repair, etc., where work is generated by preventive maintenance and breakdowns and is repetitive in nature. In the traditional shops, work can be repetitive, but oftentimes it is unique, one-shot type of work requiring detailed step-by-step planning. The planning often requires more than one craft. The Work-order planning form (screen) allows for step planning and subsequent accounting so that estimates for each step can be compared against the actual. The Mobile equipment shop work order would be processed in the same manner as the traditional work order, but because the work is repetitive, the work has been preplanned, defining work procedures, safety hazards, and parts lists (as outlined under "Mobile Equipment Work Order Request") . The intention of preplanned jobs is to provide the one best approach to the job and to expedite parts ordering (see "Warehouse Computer-Aided Parts-Requisitioning and Delivery"). In this case, each job will use the same five-digit work-order number but will have a sequential suffix number to identify each time the job is done. The program is designed to give the labor and material for each job performance, with an average of all previous jobs, thus providing an historical standard. WORK SAMPLING Mine and plant management are most happy with direct measurement of performance. A shovel produces so many tons per hour; a truck hauls so many ton-miles per hour; a drill produces so many feet per hour; and the total work force produces so many tons per man-day. Maintenance cost per productive unit based on labor and supply costs if reported on a month-by-month basis shown for a 12-month rolling period shows trends and anomalies that are important to management and that should be explained where they deviate from a normal or predictable pattern. But maintenance defies such direct standard measurements. The need for measurement is not just to satisfy management, but also to provide a tool to examine problem areas and to measure the effect of change. The simplest, most reliable, and least expensive measurement is provided by the technique of work sampling. Theory of Work Sampling Work sampling is a statistical-measurement technique which observes and records an activity at a point in time. Based on the laws of probability and the binomial distribution curve, work sampling states that the percentage of observations of an activity reflects to a known degree the average percent of time spent on that activity. Work sampling can be applied to any nonrepetitive activity, such as machine operation or product quality, but as applied to maintenance, it is basically concerned with human activity. Activities to be Measured The basic human activities of maintenance are ( 1) work, (2) travel, and (3) idle. These activities are often modified to include preparation, a necessity in any maintenance work, © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. MINE OPERATIONS 933 and cleanup. Depending on circumstances, other activities may be added to further pinpoint problems. compromise between subjective observation and continuous certain time studies. Confidence Level Reliability of work sampling is dependent on random observation and on a sufficient number of observations. Randomness is achieved by selecting the time of observation by random numbers or by throwing a die, and by varying the observer's route randomly. The estimated number of observations required can be calculated after making some assumptions. A 95% confidence level with +5% tolerance limit is generally acceptable. The given activity, say work, is then estimated. The formula is then: The advent of the microprocessor coupled with a computer can provide maintenance management with a means to diagnose the condition of engines, transmissions, hydraulic systems, or other componentry, quickly and surely. With appropriate sensing devices signaling the microprocessor (or directly to the computer), abnormal values are detected. There are two approaches to providing the data to the computer: the static system and the dynamic warning and diagnostic system. N = 4(1 - P) E'P where N is the required number of observations, P is the percent of time activity occurs, and E is the element tolerance of error. If we assume a craftsman's work activity at 60%, + 5% element tolerance, we have: 4(1 - P) N = E'P 4(1 - 0.60) (0.05)' 0.60 1.6 0.0015 = 1067 This means that 1067 observations would have to be made to achieve a 95% confidence level with + 5% error. Observers An ongoing work sampling program would normally be conducted by the industrial engineering department. Their technicians would be the observers and would produce the reports. There is an advantage to this arrangement in that the observer would be unbiased and trained as an observer. However, using supervisors as observers has the advantage of imprinting the skill of objective observation on them that they will consciously or unconsciously use from that time forward. Using the Data Work sampling does not of itself provide answers, but it can point out problem areas requiring methods improvement. When changes are made, working sampling can measure the effect of that change. The following is a comparison of typical work-sampling results: % % % % % Work Travel Idle Preparation Cleanup A 41.5 16.3 27.5 12.1 2.5 B 58.5 9.6 24.4 6.4 1.1 The initial study A indicated that travel was high and preparation was high, adversely affecting the work activity. A warehouse computer-aided parts-requisitioning and delivery system was installed. The results are shown in study B. The idle remains high, indicating further efforts are needed. It is not uncommon for first-time work sampling to reveal a 35 to 40% work activity. The shock to the maintenance management can produce amazing improvements. As method improvements are applied to trouble areas, the work activity will increase from 10 to 20%. Work sampling is a tool to be used in conjunction with other management tools. It is not a panacea. It is a happy COMPUTER-AIDED DIAGNOSTICS Static System Hamilton Testing, Inc. has developed a static system for checking the condition of bus components and for component fault diagnoses. Pressure sensing transducers are external with a multiport disconnect to the bus. On-board sensors are brought to an electronic circuit box and interfaced with a computer device. Various tests have been programmed to provide high and low limits and actual test values. Unacceptable values are indicated on a printout with an asterisk. This system has not as yet been developed for off-highway mining equipment, although work is in progress. The objection to this approach is that it does not measure the values under actual operating conditions. Too often problems that show up under operating conditions cannot be duplicated under no-load conditions in the shop. The main advantage is that all of the pressure-related sensors are separate from the unit, resulting in lower cost per unit and possibly greater reliability. Dynamic Warning and Diagnostic System A large taconite mining company and a communications manufacturing company have designed an automated MineManagement System. The main purpose is to utilize computer software to optimize mine output and truck utilization while minimizing operating costs. Incorporated into the system is a microcomputer on-board each unit with appropriate sensors. These sensors signal on an exception basis, directed toward preventing catastrophic failures, or to signal a trend toward upper Ilower limits. The signal would be sent to the sensor processor (microprocessor) and transmitted through a radio signal to the main computer and CRT display for appropriate action. The functions to be monitored are: I) Engine speed analog 2) Oil pressure analog 3) Coolant temperature analog 4) Transmission temperature analog 5) Crankcase pressure (high) binary 6) Coolant level (low) binary 7) Oil level (low) binary 8) Air restriction (high) binary 9) Vehicle motion binary This system will be polled by the computer every 20 seconds to provide protection from catastrophic failures. For diagnostic work, a .. piggyback" microprocessor will be required. This will provide for additional functions to be measured and integrated against engine speed. For example, sensors will measure air restrictions after the air cleaner, ahead of the blower, and in the air box, thus pinpointing any air induction problems. The second microprocessor will also signal through the sensor processor whenever abnormal conditions occur. The piggyback processor will have a nonvolatile memory and will be polled by the main computer. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009. 934 SURFACE MINING The epitome of a dynamic system would be to have a software program that would take each troubleshooting problem through a step-by-step examination of the data until the cause is located. This concept is not too far from reality. Other Systems Cummins Engine Co. has developed a static system for engine diagnosis called Compuchek. Because of the unique nature of their fuel pump, they feel the system very closely simulates actual operation. Summary On-board diagnostics for trucks will be a reality. With nonvolatile memory and an appropriate interface, any maintenance department with access to a computer could use the system. With troubleshooting programs, diagnosing problems can be performed by technicians with "best mechanic" results. REFERENCES Anon. 1981, "Computer Helps Build Machine Availability." Construction Equipment, Aug. Anon, "Maintenance Assist Program," Kennecott Copper Corp. Johnson, D., 1982. "Vehicle Monitoring with Microcomputers in a Mine Management Systems" Proceedings, American Mining Congress, Oct. Jonkman, J., 1982. "Maintenance Control at the Kennecott Minerals Company," 17th Application of Computers and Operations Research in the Minerals Industry, AIME. New York. Mackie, J., 1982, "Development of the Computer-Aided Mine Management System at Reserve Mining Company," Proceedings. Minnesota Section, of AIME. Jan. Syska and Hennessy, "A Guide to Improved Maintenance Management," Vol. 7, Engineering Management Division. . . Tomlinson, P.D., 1980, "Maintenance Management for the Mmmg Industry," Paul D. Tomlinson Associates, Inc., Sept. Winkel, T .• 1981, "The Evolution ofthe Computerized Mine Maintenance Recordkeeping at KMC," Proceedings. American Institute of Industrial Engineers Fuel Conference. Dec. © 1990 by the Society for Mining, Metallurgy, and Exploration. All rights reserved. Electronic edition published 2009.
Huwebes, Setyembre 13, 2018
Maintenance, Plant Facilities, and Utilities
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