Sabado, Hunyo 9, 2018

The genius of parasites.

Behaviour-altering parasites, only they can do that. A smart move controlling the mind of the host making it a slave to its own mind and body, once the parasite is in control, the host is technically dead, he is dead.

I thought parasites economize what they take from the host in order to exploit and live longer within the host, boy, I was wrong.

Parasites don't care about the well being of the host, it only cares about itself. A pure embodiment of selfishness. Considering their survival IQ is high yet they are in mercy of their biological need, to survive and to produce.

What about the other symbiotic relationships?

Commensalism, common, neutral, one benefit and the other unaffected.

Mutualism, mutual, both benefit from the relationship, in one way or the other.

Assuming all this relationship is purely economical, which relationship is the best? Well its the thing that works for you. In other words, everyone is pursuing his selfish needs and its only a change that what he needs is from you or you itself.

So I'll continue to be selfish and pursue my selfish interest. Peace.

...but you're not a parasite

Yeah, I'm just sick of seeing stupid people become kings while learned men wash the feet. But life is not about pure knowledge, it is being honest to your desires and intentions. The world is honest, nature doesn't wear veil not cast illusion, it is as it is. You're right. I should stop pretending like I'm somebody and I'll be liquid mercury and bend with the environment. This ego is now doing harm than good. I guess I'll place my pride on the backseat and let knowledge guide me through.

I learned that people need people, and yes, there's unity in diversity.

Best groups of six. Hexagon formation.

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